A Simple Exercise for the New Year: Singing!

Singing can be great for your well-being, but many of us stick to just singing in the shower or the car…
However, did you know that every time you sing you are actually performing aerobic exercise?
At the top of many people’s New Year’s Resolutions might be the usual, ‘I’ll exercise more,’ theme… But singing can actually be one way of achieving this.

Your upper body contains some of your major muscle groups, and singing gives these muscles a welcome work out. Singing is ‘aerobic-‘ this means it works out your cardiovascular system- something many of us might only think of in relation to gyms and sports!

And yes, you might not break out in a sweat, but singing for an hour has been shown to burn around 100 to 200 calories. This is roughly comparable to the amount of calories you would burn during an hour of leisurely cycling! Impressive, right?

Also, singing works your body’s core, something that Pilates is famed for! Every time you exhale during singing, your core muscles activate and contract until you breathe in again. Long exhalations exert the abdominal muscles- and singing offers a unique style of ab workout!

Finally, singing helps to release good endorphins and, although this doesn’t count as exercise in itself, it certainly helps you to feel more ‘fit’ and upbeat. Serotonin is the ‘feel good’ hormone, and studies show singing (regardless of whether you’re the best singer or not!) boosts your mood and makes you feel happier- just the same as exercise does!

The vocal coaching sessions I offer, here in Newport (Isle of Wight,) usually last for one hour. Sessions cater to you- and that includes if you quite simply want to ‘just sing.’ Singing has so many great health benefits that my vocal coaching sessions promote high levels of well-being and enjoyment in the release that singing brings! You don’t need to be a ‘good singer’ to book yourself in for a session. Get in touch with me today and just give it a go!

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